Black Women and Religious Cultures
The journal of BLACK WOMEN AND RELIGIOUS CULTURES publishes, biannually, interdisciplinary critical scholarship on Black women’s intersectional realities in relation to religions and spiritualities of local, national, and transnational contexts. The journal welcomes relevant submissions by and about Black women of any generation and identity, from any geographic area of Africa and the African Diaspora. BLACK WOMEN AND RELIGIOUS CULTURES encourages broad reading of sites of religion and spirituality to include connections of social issues, cultural practices and constructions, politics, law, activism, the arts, education, ritual, gender and gender identities, the environment, and more. BLACK WOMEN AND RELIGIOUS CULTURES affirms use of a wide range of singular and mixed methodologies that provide rigorous analyses, rich theoretical construction, and convincing creative interpretation of Black women in relation to religions and spiritualities. Submissions (including essays and creative expressions such as poetry) that expand intellectual, canonical, and epistemological constructions of Black women’s realities in any historical era are welcomed. ISSN: 2694-6580 DOI: | BW&RC is available through ATLA and EBSCO.

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